Nip Dragon

Single-serving cannabis infused alcoholic beverage. Easy weed recipe to follow!

Green Dragon, for those scraping by. For this single serving marijuana drink you only need a decent sized bud or about 1 gram of decent cannabis.

1 Nip (with alcohol content over 50%, the higher the better)
0.5-2 grams of marijuana

1. Grind your marijuana down to an extremely fine powder.
2. Decarb your weed by placing it on a cooking sheet in the oven at the lowest temperature possible or around 120 degrees F. After about an hour the marijuana should be extremely dry and crumble easily.
3. Open the Nip and pour all the cannabis powder into the bottle. Close tight.
4. Shake extremely well. Do this several times a day for about 10 days. The more patient you can be, the better quality dragon you will produce.
5. After at least 10 days, open the nip and strain through a piece of cheesecloth. Do not use a paper coffee filter!
6. Shake well, tilt it back, and enjoy!

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